


My prayer of Thanksgiving

My prayer of Thanksgiving Every once in a while help me to ponder, And give praise for all Your great wonder. Help me to thank and help me to praise, Throughout my life, Your glory must raise. I keep thanking for your gift of wisdom, Help me understand of your Holy Kingdom. Let me be a slave and one of your children, Live my life seeking as one joyous pilgrim. Guide me to seek the narrow gate, Take trouble to struggle and not be late. Help me to find the path of righteousness, Uphold justice, kindness and blessedness. Give me the strength to always forgive, Give up on anger while being assertive. Strengthen my heart to spread your mercy, Open my arms to the hungry and thirsty. Reconcile me to you in a sacrament, Teach me to live and be obedient. Make me humble and teach me patience, My worship must be one of reverence. Let my life be scrubbed of one of service, Spread your serenity to all the nervous. Through my voice console in gentleness, Caress every heart from unwa...

Maundy Thursday Year B Reading


Konkani Daily Mass Readings for Thursday, 4 March 2021

Poilem Vachop Jer 17:5-10, St 1:1-2;3;4-6 St 39 : 5a, Udgar Lk 8:15, Xubhvortoman: Luke 16: 19-31, Pg 141, Pg 142,

Daily Reflections Feb 25, 2018

Genesis 22: 1 - 2. 9a.10 - 13.15 - 18; Romans 8: 31b - 34; Mark 9: 2 - 10. “Thou have loved me righteously and though I am a struggling sinner, Thy love leads me to Salvation. I beseech Thee to teach me wisdom, so that I may grow more in faith trusting Thee at all times. Teach me to obey as Abraham did,so that I may find Joy as I continue to follow in Thy Words for all times” It was love that empowered Abraham to believe God as much as he did. It was love that allowed Abraham to trust that God would have an alternate plan. It was love that allowed Abraham to understand that God is not a capable of evil. God loves mankind; every human being is a beloved of God and every human soul is precious to the Lord. However, in His wisdom God knows that He must not force the human to love Him that is Divine. Because if God did force the human being to follow His commands then God’s gifts of eyes to see, ears to hear, mind to rationalise, heart to desire, mouth to speak and senses to feel ...

Daily Reflections Feb 24, 2018

Deuteronomy 26: 16 - 19; Matthew 5: 43 - 48. “I live my life seeking Thy inspiration. I seek Thy teachings in Thy Words. My worship is listening to Thy voice and obeying Thy commands. I pray my Lord, that Thy grace will give me special protection from my enemy and deliverance from hard trials” The Lord of Host creator of everything that exists has always been Marvellous. He has extended that marvel to creating the earth and into creating mankind. When God created Adam and Eve, He gave them special conditions that would enable them to continue to live in His Light and then, God put them in a special place called Eden. But these two humans did not live to the expectations of Heaven; they did not remain special and hence they had to leave the garden of Eden to live in a place that suited their spiritual state. Later on, as Adam’s descendants populated the earth, some of the sonsof heaven were enticed by evil and they corrupted the human heart. God was disappointed that mankind would no...

Daily Reflections Feb 23, 2018

Ezekiel 18: 21 - 28; Matthew 5: 20 - 26. “Thou are merciful indeed O Lord. I am forever grateful for Thy teachings and I have decided to renew my faith through the Sacraments of the Holy Catholic Church. This I do, so that I may continue to live in Holiness until the time for me to be lifted to Heaven in Spirit. I pray my Lord that I may always remember Thy commands and I will be attentive to all my thoughts and actions without making any delays to remain at peace with my neighbour and also my Loving God”. God has been patient in our transgressions from the time of creation. Mankind has kept going wrong and even going astray every now and then. And God being compassionate in understanding our weaknesses and our lack of wisdom has been merciful to us. As subjects of God’s righteousness, we must attest to the righteousness that the Lord displays in the Book of Ezekiel 18: 21 - 28 . When the Lord created the world with an environment for human life, it was perfect and mankind thr...