Daily Reflections Feb 25, 2018
Genesis 22: 1 - 2. 9a.10 - 13.15 - 18; Romans 8: 31b - 34; Mark 9: 2 - 10. “Thou have loved me righteously and though I am a struggling sinner, Thy love leads me to Salvation. I beseech Thee to teach me wisdom, so that I may grow more in faith trusting Thee at all times. Teach me to obey as Abraham did,so that I may find Joy as I continue to follow in Thy Words for all times” It was love that empowered Abraham to believe God as much as he did. It was love that allowed Abraham to trust that God would have an alternate plan. It was love that allowed Abraham to understand that God is not a capable of evil. God loves mankind; every human being is a beloved of God and every human soul is precious to the Lord. However, in His wisdom God knows that He must not force the human to love Him that is Divine. Because if God did force the human being to follow His commands then God’s gifts of eyes to see, ears to hear, mind to rationalise, heart to desire, mouth to speak and senses to feel