
Showing posts from 2021

My prayer of Thanksgiving

My prayer of Thanksgiving Every once in a while help me to ponder, And give praise for all Your great wonder. Help me to thank and help me to praise, Throughout my life, Your glory must raise. I keep thanking for your gift of wisdom, Help me understand of your Holy Kingdom. Let me be a slave and one of your children, Live my life seeking as one joyous pilgrim. Guide me to seek the narrow gate, Take trouble to struggle and not be late. Help me to find the path of righteousness, Uphold justice, kindness and blessedness. Give me the strength to always forgive, Give up on anger while being assertive. Strengthen my heart to spread your mercy, Open my arms to the hungry and thirsty. Reconcile me to you in a sacrament, Teach me to live and be obedient. Make me humble and teach me patience, My worship must be one of reverence. Let my life be scrubbed of one of service, Spread your serenity to all the nervous. Through my voice console in gentleness, Caress every heart from unwa